You have the difficult task of planning a wedding, a celebration, a memorial, or a nonprofit or corporate event. You've spent time on determining the theme, the location, & all the little things that need to be done in order for it to be the day you want it to be.
With our videography services, we don't just bring a camcorder. We bring a skilled eye & a creative passion to capture the day just as you planned it. We handle the filming, bring it back to our studio, & then create a professionally edited & polished video that appropriately captures the event you worked so hard to make perfect.
With our videography services, we don't just bring a camcorder. We bring a skilled eye & a creative passion to capture the day just as you planned it. We handle the filming, bring it back to our studio, & then create a professionally edited & polished video that appropriately captures the event you worked so hard to make perfect.
Personal Services:
Theatrical & Creative Artists:
Nonprofit and Corporation Services:
A New Type of Videography: Personal Documentaries
We also offer a new type of videography service that we call Personal Documentaries, which are for that special person or persons that you want to honor, whether it's for a landmark birthday, anniversary, or a memorial. It involves a blend of professionally videotaped interviews along with photos & other add-ons that make for a very memorable gift.
Our Promise
Our promise to you is to make things as easy as possible & to guide you through the process
upfront, so you will have one less thing to worry about. Please contact us for more information on how we can help you capture your unique event!